
"Elite Politics and Economic Crisis: Hyperinflation in Argentina, 1989-1990." (Political Power and Social Theory 41: Elites, Nonelites and Power: The Critical Legacy of Elite Theory, from Marx to Lachmann, and then Beyond.  Edited by Rebecca Jean Emigh and Dylan Riley).  Open access version.

"Mapping economists' belief spaces using survey data" (Œconomia -- History / Methodology / Philosophy, 2023, in a special issue on Quantitative and Computational Approaches in the Social Study of Economics; open access). replication data.

"Are economists overconfident? Ideology and uncertainty in expert opinion" (British Journal of Sociology, with Austin Kozlowski, open access).

"Analysing Online Social Networks." SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online.

"Visualizing the network structure of Covid-19 in Singapore" (Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, open access); preprintreplication datasupplementary information; General interest summary

"The inversion of the 'really big trade-off:' Homeownership and pensions in long run perspective" (West European Politics 2019, with Sebastian Kohl, open access)

"Varieties of Indebtedness: Financialization and Mortgage Market Institutions in Europe" (Social Science Research 2018, with Edo Navot); open access version.

"Consensus, polarization and alignment in the economics profession" (Sociological Science, 2016, with John Levi Martin and Misha Teplitskiy, open access).  Related blog posts at the Monkey Cage (Washington Post) and infoLibre (Spain).

"Cohesion, Conflict and Consensus: Technocratic Elites and Financial Crisis in Mexico and Argentina" (International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2015); open access version.

"Washington Dissensus? Ambiguity and Conflict at the International Monetary Fund" (Socio-Economic Review, 2015);  general interest summary; open access version.

"Cycles of Polarization and Settlement: Rethinking the Dynamics of Change in the Macroeconomic Policy Field" (Theory and Society, 2015); open access version.

"Charisma, Status and Gender in Groups with and without Gurus" (Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2012, with John Levi Martin and Benjamin Zablocki)

Work in progress/presentations

"Elite polarization in Argentina: A legislative co-sponsorship network approach" (presentation at the 2024 International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt Conference)

"Modeling cultural globalization on music streaming conferences" (presentation at the 2023 Cultural Data Analytics conference, Tallinn, Estonia)

"Consensus and ideology in expert communities: The case of economics" (presentation at CWTS, University of Leiden, the John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin, and the Centre for Science, Knowledge and Policy, University of Edinburgh, 2023)

"Where does power come from: Elite networks and the presidential succession Mexico" (presentation at the University of Mannheim and American Sociological Association, 2020)

"Credit and the welfare state: Trade-off and complementarity theories in long-run comparative perspective" (presentation at the American Sociological Association, 2020, with Sebastian Kohl) 

"Brokers, clients and elite political networks in Mexico"  (paper presented at the American Sociological Association 2017)

"Relational herding in financial markets: Mortgage securitization and the Spanish banking crisis" (presentation at the American Sociological Association 2019; with Jacob Habinek)

"The engines of debt: Household debt, homeownership and the mortgage boom in the United States" (presentation at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 2017)

"The economics agora online: Open surveys and the politics of expertise" (keynote address at the Digital Day of Ideas, University of Edinburgh, 2018)

"Do housing bubbles redistribute wealth?  Evidence from Spain" (Presentation at MaxPo workshop Inequality: the Wealth-Housing-Credit Nexus and its Political Consequences, 2016)